Rule #1: Be Your Authentic Self.

500+ Attendees Join SheFi Summit. Singapore Next!

Rule #1 of SheFi Summit:

Be your authentic self.

Jana Bertram, SheFi Season 8 graduate and Head of Strategy at RARI Foundation, sat in the front row of the SheFi Summit Brussels. In just a few minutes, she was scheduled to be on a panel “Beyond Farming, Growing Decentralized Ecosystems.”

Her four-year-old daughter, Vida, sat comfortably, happily on her lap.

Then, Jana was called up to the stage.

And still her daughter sat comfortably, happily on her lap.

Tiny arms full of love, excitement, and maybe a little fear, refused to let Jana go.

Instead of us delaying the panel, or Jana sending a reluctant Vida off to dad, who was sitting in the front row with their baby Elio strapped on his chest, we decided to do something uniquely SheFi:

Let them go up on stage together.

Jana’s adorable 4-year-old walked onstage with her, demonstrating an utter confidence that perfectly captured our “Do It Scared” motto. She even spoke into the mic after Jana at one point, seeming totally self-assured.

Clearly the future is in good hands - and so is our present.

Jana – unfazed by Vida on her lap, Vida walking around stage, or Vida trying to grab the mic – shared expert insights and absolutely crushed the panel. With Vida on her lap and microphone in hand, she - and all the other speakers at the Summit - proved that women in Web3 are doing it all.

And they’re bringing their whole selves with them to build a frontier that is feminine.

Getting Personal

So, what made Brussels such an amazing event?

The answer is simple: you.

Everyone showing up authentically themselves gives SheFi Summit its unmistakable energy. An energy so contagious the staff at the venue signed up for SheFi.

It’s a familial, familiar feel. When you enter this divinely feminine space, you can embrace who you are and share your story. Like Jana did.

Take it from the panelists:

María Paula Fernández talked about being an Argentinian founder in Germany and being unable to secure a traditional loan - so she got her mortgage through a DeFi lending portal.

Simona Pop discussed growing up in Communist Romania, and explained how important freedom-enabling technologies are for people - like her - who grew up without freedom.

“Do web3 not because the tech is different, but because the intention is different.”

Simona Pop

Anke Liu dove into how Blockchain provides payment systems and loans for real people in Africa and Latin America, highlighting that this new technology continues to improve The Human Experience.

The content was engaging, accessible, and most importantly, personal.

Many conferences lose themselves in technical and repetitive topics - a speaker diving deep into a technical topic to an audience of 3 people.

While of course there is a time and place for this, SheFi instead is here to humanize our speakers, the technology, and our mission.

It’s a reminder for why we’re doing what we’re doing.

SheFi Summit is a place to meet your heroes, make new friends, and learn - all at the same time.

Creating the Feminine Future

When we asked the men who attended SheFi Summit Brussels why they were there, they simply said:

“Because women are great.”

And that’s a fact.

Time and time again we prove that people want to be in gender diverse rooms.

Women don’t just want to talk to dudes. And dudes don’t just want to talk to dudes.

That’s because within all of us is a divine femininity (and masculinity), and harnessing this power is what makes SheFi Summit so special.

We had food. Drinks. A stretch break. A gua sha workshop.

A lot of activities and amenities like this aren’t found at your average crypto conference, and everyone, men and women alike, can appreciate them.

Instead of being drained, you leave SheFi Summit feeling nurtured and refreshed.

The Best SheFi Summit Yet

Finally, before I say anything else:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Thank you to each and every person who, as part of SheFi, made our Summit in Brussels the most invigorating, energizing, and historic one yet.

Together, we made it happen. The largest SheFi Summit to date.

By the numbers:

  • Tickets Claimed: 954

  • Total Attendees: 500+ 

  • 80% of the audience was attending their first SheFi Summit

  • Attestations Onchain: 1,000+

  • Onchain questers: 240+

  • POAPs Minted: 1,247

  • Sign ups for Harpie: 180

  • Mints of the RARI SheFi NFT: 427

  • Created a Stellar passkey powered wallet: 176

Thank you to our powerful speakers. Thank you to our incredible partners:

So What’s Next? Singapore!

After such a powerful, hopeful and energizing day, it’s hard to imagine how things could get better than this.

We created a supportive, educational, and divinely feminine space for people to talk Web3. My gratitude is infinite. 

So, what’s next?

SheFi Summit Singapore for Token2049 on September 17th.

I’ll see you there!

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